

I love my 猫部屋 (cat room).

eskybaby in "leopard house"

It has sooo many uses. I sleep in it, play in it, attempt to destroy it, scratch at it, jump on it etc etc etc. I love my 猫部屋.

[Look at my chilling out in it!]

[Scratch scratch scratch!!]

[Don't disturb me when I'm destroying my cat room!]

[I can even pounce on my cat room. Wheeee~~]




XingYeNlin said...

haha lol i like the last vid.

El@inE said...

esky, u have a nice comfy there..i have to snatch with my other brothers...fortunately, I win most of the time ;D

Princess PiggiE

eskybaby said...

joanne: heh eskybaby is notti yea?

elaine: pig is cute!! how do i follow your blog?

El@inE said...

dear esky, i got my mummy to add the widget so that we can meow more often. visit my personal blog n click on the left side. MEOW~
Princess Pig

eskybaby said...

heh followed.